Install Spillt Mobile App (estimated time: 2 minutes)

If you’ve already installed Spillt and have an account, you can skip this step!

Install WordPress Plugin (estimated time: 10 minutes)

Right now, the WordPress plugin is only available for bloggers using WordPress and the WP Recipe Maker, Tasty, or Create by Mediavine recipe cards. If that isn’t you, please sign up for updates (and install Spillt!) so that you know when we can offer it to more users.

1. Set up your Creator Profile

Install the Spillt WordPress Plugin

  • Go here or search “Spillt” in your WordPress plugin dashboard.
  • Install and activate the plugin.

Authorize the Plugin

  • You should see “Spillt” show up on your lefthand menu. If it isn’t there, try refreshing your page.
  • Click on the “Settings” tab under the Spillt plugin menu.
  • Enter your phone number when prompted
  • “Categories” will be the default option for organizing your recipes. If you use custom posts or other custom taxonomies, you might want to choose a different option here.
  • Click “Authorize Site”
  • Input the code you receive via SMS

Sync Your Recipes

  • On the lefthand menu, click on the “Spillt Recipes” section
  • When you first activate, all your recipes will be marked as not visible in Spillt. You can choose which ones you would like to have discoverable on your profile in Spillt.
  •  In the menu labeled “Bulk Actions”, select “Add to Spillt” and then click “Apply”
  • These recipes will now show up in your Creator profile, organized by the taxonomy you choose
  • Any new recipes you publish on your blog will automatically sync to Spillt and show up as an event in the newsfeed

2. Format your Creator Profile

Open up the Spillt app on your phone to make changes to your Creator Profile. There you can modify your featured recipes, or edit your bio.

Installation FAQs

I synced all my recipes but some of them still have X's next to them.

There are a few common reasons why a recipe won’t sync:

  • The recipe doesn’t have a parent post
  • The post is a duplicate (for example, a Google web story post)
  • It is part of a roundup post with multiple recipes included

I should have more recipes than what are showing up as available to sync.

Drafts and non-recipe posts (such as giveaways, or posts about other topics) won’t show up in Spillt.

Do I have to organize my recipes into collections on my Spillt profile?

 The recipes will automatically categorize themselves into collections based on the categories that you’ve already selected on WordPress.

Can I modify which collections are used for each recipe?

 If you use something other than Categories for organizing your recipes on WordPress, you can select a different taxonomy when you authorize the plugin. We do not currently support editing individual recipes or categories at this time, however.

Any other questions? Email us at, DM us on Instagram, or text the Spillt blogger hotline!